Project “From east to west Promenad”.
Steel blades and gold leaf,
Height 10 m.
3D animation images.

Model photo outside.

” The three nothing “
Metal structure, painted plaster,
Sees nothing, 46.5 x 18.5 x 8 cm.
Says nothing, 43.5 x 13 x 10 cm.
Hears Nothing, 49 x 15 x 7.5 cm.
Project with a height 5 to 7 m high.
“The three nothing, wisdom”.
As represented in China and Japan, the first monkey covers his eyes, the second covers his ears and the third covers his mouth. They form a kind of pictorial maxim: « see nothing evil, hear nothing evil, say nothing evil. »

“Happy ending”.
In 1347, when the burghers of Calais left the town, keys in hand and rope around their necks, they had no idea that fate would have a happy ending in store for them.
Sentenced to death by the King of England, whose army was besieging the city, Philippa de Hainaut, his wife, obtained their pardon.
When the end seems inevitable, the unexpected is always possible…
My work is a dialogue with Rodin and these illustrious Bourgeois…
In 1895, a time of romanticism and politics (the Franco-British quarrel), he created heroic, suffering figures marching towards a fatal destiny. The six men are enclosed on a rectangular base, a compact group bound together by the same torment.
Happy ending captures historical reality to unravel the drama.
In a gentle ellipse, the six white silhouettes, almost identical in size to Rodin’s, emerge from the circle of confinement and move forward (without a base), despite their fear, towards a destiny that, against all appearances, is unwritten.
“It’s when you have no hope that you should despair of nothing”. Said Seneca.
“Happy ending”.
Group of 6 monumental sculptures + – H 210.