Pascal Pistacio
Sculptures in bronze, plaster, iron, zinc, dibond, monumental sculptures, mobiles.
Pascal Pistacio is a plastic sculptor who works outside the mainstream and creates his own innovative, figurative and anthropomorphic language. Never renouncing his passion for sculpture and collage, his artistic life takes him on other creative paths; he becomes an actor, director and creates painted sets. In 2007, he returned definitively and exclusively to sculpture.
Pascal does not seek to render form, but rather to suggest an attitude, a movement, a character, an emotion. Brancusi said: “The base must be part of the sculpture, otherwise, I do without.” Pascal Pistacio does without it, and this, whatever the dimension of the pieces. He has made it the major axis of his reflection about balance.
Pascal also frees himself from faces to give body to the expressiveness and the life of the material, without artifice, in its fluid beauty. The emptiness then becomes matter, flexibility, vibration, fragility, strength and narration. Dancing figures, aerial bodies… Sketch takes precedence over thickness.
Minimalist or monumental, graceful or massive, Pascal’s sculptures are always open to the outside world and take on meaning and language in space, in a crossing world.
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« Paternal Love, my beloved daughter, my pride », 2023.
Bronze and gold leaf, 1/8 print,
Chapon foundry, 35x20x14cm.
Forecast 1st half 2025, L’Enfer / Hell, 34 engraved papers and sculptures illustrating the 34 chants de of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno – La Fabrique, Centre d’Art – Montreuil 93100
November 2022, La voie est libre Galerie Pastourelle – Paris 75003
September 2021, IN SITU (in the artist’s studio) – Paris 75014
August 2020, Air currents – Deauville
December 2019, Eureka – Galerie SIX – 76 bd Saint-Michel – 75006 Paris
May 2019, Qui vivra verra – Galerie SIX – 76 bd Saint-Michel – 75006 Paris
November 2017, Les Dibonds de Pistacio, Mobiles and Panoramas – Anne-Marie Zahar Gallery – 25, rue des Grands Augustins – 75006 Paris
May 2015, Sculptures Galerie des Pyramides, Le Port-Marly
May 2014, Monumental sculptures Parc Bailly, Soisy-sous-Montmorency
May 2014, Monumental sculptures With the patronage of Phildar – Auvers-sur-Oise Castle
October 2013, Pascal Pistacio, sculptures-Church of Thibivillers
Summer 2012, Sculptures and capilliculture – Coupure – Boulevard Pasteur – 75015 Paris
June 2012, Monumental sculptures – Chaussée Jules César, Gouzangrez
October 2011, Corps & Âmes – Le Forum – Kiron espace, 75011 Paris
June 2011, 100 x 100 – Le Forum – Kiron espace, 75011
July 2021, Pavlikeni, Bulgaria under the patronage of Todor Todorov
October 2014, Château de La Roche-Guyon
“Perpetum Mobile”, 2021.
Printing of a series of 80 bronzes for APF France handicap.
Box: Danish Pastry Design / Christian Kirk-Jensen
June 2023, Salo XI, erotic drawing exhibition – Paris 75011
April 2023, Demain dès l’aube… La mort III Galerie 24B – Paris 75001
June 2022, Salo X, erotic drawing exhibition – Paris 75011
Febrary – march 2022, Amours III – Gallery PLATEFORME – Paris 2020
June 2024, Salo XII, salon du dessin érotique – Paris 75011
April 2024, Da Morire, salon de la Mort IV, Galerie 24b, Paris 75001
February 2024, Amours V, Remèdes Galerie – Paris 75003
July 2021, Salo IX, erotic drawing exhibition – 75011 Paris
June 2021, Sofia Paper Art Fest 2021, international exhibition – Sofia, Bulgaria
June 2020, Salo VIII, erotic drawing exhibition – 75011 Paris
December 2017, 4 to 4 Galerie 3F – 75018 Paris
July 2016 Ceriana Art – Ceriana – Italy
April-December 2015 – Anima-Animal – Abbaye royale de Saint-Riquier – Four works exhibited
April 2015 Art show- Mairie du Xe – 75010 Paris
April 2013, «Behind the door, … The unexpected» – with Vincent Corpet – Hôtel de Monthiers, Pontoise
December 2012, With Xavier Flye – Sainte Marie Galerie Artes – 75006 Paris
by Dante Alighieri
illustrations Pascal Pistacio
34 engraved papers for the 34 chants of Inferno
translation by Emmanuel Tugny
Ardavena éditions, 2024
Catalogue de l’exposition Anima-Animal, abbaye royale de Saint-Riquier,
Baie de Somme / Lienart éditions, Paris, 2015.
Commissariat : Évelyne Artaud.
Catalogue de l’exposition Derrière la porte… L’inattendu, texte d’Amélie Pironneau, 2013.
Texte également publié dans le Wall Street International du 24 décembre 2013.
Pascal Pistacio, Parce qu’il aime ce qu’il n’a pas, 2009, Lienart éditions, p. 141.
Reproduction des œuvres John Shy et Carmen Goldengate réalisées en 2008.
Structure métallique, plâtre, 51 x 31 x 17 cm et 50 x 47 x 19 cm.
Michel Pastoureau, Dominique Simonnet, Couleurs, le grand livre, 2008, Paris,
Éditions du Panama, p. 59. Reproduction de l’œuvre Parthenia réalisée en 2008.
Structure métallique et plâtre, 67 x 12 x 16 cm.